🤲 The Open Source 🌱

Welcome to The Open Source, OSMS-BC's blog! OSMS is involved with so many inspiring, creative and innovative people, initiatives and organizations, we thought it was about time we share their stories.

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Jan 24th, 2022

⚙️ Makers Making Change ⚙️

Makers Making Change is an online platform dedicated to empowering people with disabilities through accessible, low cost, DIY technology. On December 3rd they made history with their new Guinness World Records title for the most users to take an online DIY assistive technology lesson in 24 hours!


Jan 10th, 2022

Project Northern Lights (PNL) connects makers, resources and communities to produce and deliver protective equipment and medical supplies to those who need them the most. It is an inspirational story of the people's power and to fill in gaps and innovate new solutions to care for our communities.


Oct 1st, 2021

Dr. Naoyuki Ishikita

Meet OSMS-BC's 2021 inventor of the year and the creator of the ?VENT (a USD$3.00 3D printable ventilator), a novel less-invasive aspiration device for Sputum, an edible stethoscope and so much more! Naoyuki is on a mission to help others with open-source, affordable, sustainable and easy to produce medical equipment that can be 3D printed from anywhere in the world... and universe.


Dr. Naoyuki Ishikita with “E-mail Ventilator“

Sept 9th, 2021

🧵 Sew With Claire 🪡

An open source story about a woman who shared her passion, creativity, and skill with the North Shore community to bring personal protective equipment (PPE) to people in need around the world.


To share your story or for other inquires email amelia@osmsbc.ca!